Saturday 6 February 2010

'On the Global Warming!'

We are heading for an ice age, or more precisely for a glacial period. And that is for a good reason. I, for one, predicted it over 6 years ago. Whether it happens today or in ten years time, is immaterial and it remains to be seen.

The last ice age ended approximately 12,500 years ago. This all to do naturally with the rotation of the earth about its axis, its satellite,the moon, and its orbit around the Sun in our solar system. It is, in my humble opinion, all to do with the periodic cycles of the earth in the solar system, its geology, and the Carbon Cycle around the Glob.

I, for one, am looking forward to it! For, though I am an Iranian, I have, for the last 39 years, and for all my sins, primarily lived in London, the United Kingdom. The Gulf Stream, partially as a result of the Global Warming, is going to stop and therefore the British Isles are going to be surrounded by a thick ice. Is it not wonderful that we can all forget about the Euro Tunnel and Ferries? For, it will be possible to cross the ice on foot, on a pair of cross country skies, and by car, at 360 degrees, should we wish. Moreover, London will have a genuine four seasons! And if we are fortunate enough, we may even see Polar Bears in our neighborhood!

One may wonder what are all these talks on the 'Global Warming'? Are they some confusions on the part of governments and their 'scientists' around the world? Or are they designed to get us to 'tighten our belts', and if so, for what reasons?

However, it goes without saying that we need to look after our planet, which may well be unique in the entire universe.

Majid Shabpar,
London, Sun. 7/02/2010

A Short Thesis: Two necessary steps in resolving the current world financial crisis

The endeavour by the states of different nations (whether industrially advanced or in the ‘developing’ phase) in finding a solution to the current financial crisis within the national boundaries in the context and mindset of post war Keynesian economy (John Maynard Keynes, 1883-1946), to say the least, is doomed and bound to fail. The reason is quite trivial:

In contrast to the Wall Street crash of 1929 and the depression that followed there after (mass unemployment, hyperinflation, rise of fascism in the most advance industrial countries(Germany, Italy, Great Britain…) and the World War II (which was NOT inevitable, had it not been for the betrayal of labour movement by traditional parties, the appeasement of Nazi Germany by the British Government, the Nazi-Soviet pact over Eastern Europe between Soviet leader, Josef Stalin, and the Third Reich, Adolf Hitler,… with its devastating consequences for the human race)), the current financial crisis has manifested itself on the scale, unprecedented.

Ever since birth of the industrial revolution and the emergence of bourgeois or capitalist means and relations of production as the dominant socio-economic formation, the periodic crisis of overproduction, inherent in the system which its sole purpose is to realise the highest rate of profit with no regards for political and socio-economic consequences, has been occurring now and again, each time on a broader, more devastating, and severer scale.

The current financial crisis originated in the United States of America. Within a short span of time it encompassed the economy of every single nation on the planet. It has taken by surprise and has affected the life of every single individual regardless of social position or status, including all the head of states, their respective minsters, their advisors, the national and international banking and bankers, all financial institutions, the political economists, the academia, the stock brokers, capital investors (big or small, alike), all finding it difficult in coming up with an effective and plausible solution which is NOT at the expense of the workers and the working population, i.e. those who generate the wealth of the nations.

In the words of British Primer Minister, Gordon Brown, and I quote, ‘This is a global problem, we need to find a global solution’. So, he states the obvious for the British and International Communities, prior and during the Labour Party Conference. However, what happens next? Alistair Darling, the British Chancellor of Exchequer, and Gordon Brown rush to G7 summit in New York City, the head quarter of the United Nations, in an attempt to find a solution to the current worldwide economic crisis, and they do so by excluding all the rest. Moreover, while the British companies are constantly searching for cheap labour power on the world market, outsourcing off shore their need to Indian Sub-Continent and the Far Eastern countries, the British Government announces, in an effort of course to protect the ‘national’ labour market, the need to restrict immigration from outside European Union, with the help of media and popular press, selling the ‘news’ to the working population, whether British or immigrants. One cannot help but wonder whether these contradictions in response to the
crisis are some confusion on the part of the British establishments and the minsters or they are some sinister political appeal to national chauvinism and patriotism with devastating consequences, if they remain unchecked and unchallenged?

In the light of the short analysis above, naturally two steps are necessary, but by no means sufficient, as indispensible prerequisites for resolving, in the longer term, the periodic crisis of overproduction and the current and future economic crisis, inherent in the underlying relations of production:

a)The need for a single currency on the world market, say  M, under the full control of world community and a single global bank, 
say  Bank M.  

b) A universal minimum average exchange value, determined by the average standard of living and productivity of labour on the global scale, for the most important commodity on the world market, i.e. the labour power, in terms of the former, i.e., M, say 10 units of M / hour (expressed in relation to the exchange value of pure Gold given the average productivity of labour of the average mining conditions, for historical reasons, as the universal commodity for the exchange of commodities, for the exchange value of M, in relation to the exchange value of the labour power on the global scale).  

These two steps are necessary prerequisite but may I add once again that by no means sufficient in order to bring about a lasting solution to the devastation caused by the down turn in the economic cycle. Moreover, it goes without the need to add that it requires sincere efforts on the part of every single nation and respective government or state for the implementation and realisation of these two necessary steps or measurers.

It is not difficult to appreciate why these two steps are required, all implicit in the above analysis. However, (a) will put an end to all the currencies speculations and hence fluctuations on stock markets.

Majid Shabpar
London, Nov. 8 2008

Iraq Inquiry, London, Friday, January 29, 2010

Mr Tony Blair, the Ex-Prime Minister of the UK and the ‘Peace Envoy’ to the Middle East, declares:

‘No regret! I’ll do it again!’ He concludes, so to speak, that Iran, ‘the Centre of Evil’, as far as the Ex-President of the United States, Mr. George W. Bush Junior, is concerned, needs to be invaded.

With reference to my letter to Sir John Chilcot, the Head of Iraq Inquiry, dated 24/01/2010, naturally I regret to say that they, and this goes without saying, have turned, with their puppet show, the British people and the rest of the World to a laughing matter and they will be carrying on to do so, so long as they mange to keep the Nation, of course with the help of their stick and no carrots, relatively quiet!

Majid Shabpar,
London, 30/01/2010

• BBC News Desk 
• National and International Press and Media.  

Iraq Inquiry: The War and the Role of the British and the United States Governments.

Sir John Chilcot,
The Head of the Iraq inquiry,
35 Great Smith Street,
London SW1P 3BG,
The United Kingdom.

Dear Sir John,

Re: Iraq Inquiry: The War and the Role of the British and the United States Governments.

The matter is quite simple. Mr. Tony Blair, the Ex-Prime Minister, together with Mr. George W. Bush Junior, the former president of the United States, formed an unholy alliance in order to convince the world that Mr. Saddam Hussein, Iraq Ex- President, (whom, as we all happen to know, was put on trial, as a War Criminal, and was hanged, together with some of his accomplices), possessed weapons of mass destruction. Hence, they justified, of course with the backing of some members of the United Nations Security Council, to invade and overthrow the regime of Saddam Hussein.

Let us, just for the sake of argument, make the assumption that Saddam Hussain DID indeed have weapons of mass destruction. Would there have still been any justification to ‘legitimize’ the invasion of a sovereign nation? Of course NOT! In my humble opinion, that is obvious.

Why Mr. Blair and Mr. Bush committed their respective nations and hence the rest of the world, with all its devastating consequences, to topple the regime of Saddam Hussain, and hence destroying Iraq, the Cradle of Civilization, is naturally NOT too far fetched.

Therefore Tony Blair and George W. Bush are War Criminals, at least as far as I am concerned, and as such they must also be put on trial, at International Court of Justice, in The Hague, together with all their accomplices.

As I understand, this is an independent inquiry with no jurisdiction and the witnesses appearing before the panel are NOT on Oath? Even if you had jurisdiction from the British Government, can I possibly ask how you are going to implement your judgment in order to satisfy, at least, the British people? For, Mr. Gordon Brown, the British Prime Minister, has already implicated himself. The Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice, Mr. Jack Straw, at least as far as I am concerned, will be implicated. Moreover, the Inquiry is expected to publish its finding NOT earlier than 2011. Therefore, I would like, if I may, so do the British people and the rest of the world, to know what is the purpose of the inquiry and at whose expense?

I am writing therefore, first and foremost on my own behalf and hence my own initiative and naturally also on behalf of all those who have suffered, still do, and are going to suffer for generations from the devastating consequences of the Iraq War, to submit the following motion:

The arrest of Tony Blair and George W Bush by INTERPOL and their safe delivery to International Court of Justice, in The Hague, to stand trial before the entire world for the crimes committed against the human race.

Yours truly,

Majid Shabpar
London, Sun. 24/01/2010

• International Court of Justice
Peace Palace Carnegieplein 2 2517 KJ
The Hague The Netherlands
Telephone: (+31) (0)70 302 23 23
Telefax: (+31) (0)70 364 99 28

General Secretariat 200, quai Charles de Gaulle,
Lyon, France.
Fax: +33 (04) 72 44 71 63

• National and International Press and Public Media.

• Mr. Ban Ki-moon , The Secretary-General, The United Nations.

• Mr. Barack Obama, The President of the United States of America.